Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Mycetoma and Scabies are added to the WHO list of Neglected Tropical Diseases

Mycetoma - a chronic, progressive, destructive morbid inflammatory disease usually of the foot but can affect any part of the body - previously called Madura foot - was added September 2013.
Massive foot Mycetoma - WHO Website

Scabies - a parasitic infestation of the skin, caused by mites, which triggers a host immune response that leads to intense itching.  It is frequently complicated by bacterial infection, leading to the development of skin sores that, may then lead to serious consequences such as septicaemia, heart disease and chronic kidney disease - was added October 2013
Scabies of the hand which is infected - WHO Website
To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.
 - Albert Einstein

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